ルネサスがDialogを買収か、、、Dialog semiconductorと言えば昔はiPhoneの電源管理IC(PMIC)を供給してたのが全部Appleに売却して、自身はいろいろ買収したりして、一体何のビジネスをするのかと思っていたらこうなった、、、
ルネサスがDialog社を買収し、 組み込みソリューションでのグローバルリーダーシップを強化
かつてはiPhoneの電源管理IC(PMIC=Power Management IC)と言えばDialogがずっと共有していた。
Apple gets critical iPhone technology in $600 million Dialog deal
そこからICにリンゴマークがつくようになった(写真はiPhone 12 Pro Max)。
で本体は何を残したかというと、Bluetooth LEやモバイル以外のPMICをやっていたが、
- 2011 - VoIP and wireless chipmaker SiTel Semiconductor for $86.5 million.[14]
- 2013 - Dialog acquired iWatt Inc, which had filed for an IPO the prior year, for roughly $345 million, paying $310 million in cash and pledging an additional $35 million in contingent considerations.[15][16]
- 2015 - Dialog made a $4.6 billion for Atmel.[17] This acquisition was cancelled in January 2016 when Atmel instead agreed to be purchased by Microchip for $3.56 billion in cash and stock.[18] To break the agreement, Atmel paid Dialog a termination fee of $137.3 million.[19]
- 2017 - Silego Technology, a maker of configurable mixed-signal integrated circuits (CMICs), for $306 million, of which $276 would be paid in cash, with an additional contingent consideration of up to $30.4 million. The deal added consumer electronics companies like Fitbit, Garmin, and GoPro to Dialog's roster of customers.[20]
- 2018 - Apple announced its intent to purchase part of Dialog's business in a $300 million cash deal.[21] Included in the deal was the transfer of 300 Dialog employees to Apple, which represented roughly 16% of Dialog's workforce. Apple also committed another $300 million to purchase Dialog products.[22] In April 2019, Dialog and Apple completed the workforce and intellectual property transfer aspects of the deal.[23]
- 2019 - Dialog agreed to buy Silicon Motion Technology's FCI mobile communications product line for $45 million. The deal expanded Dialog's range of low-power connected devices by adding FCI's battery-operated Wi-Fi Internet of Things controllers to its existing line of Bluetooth products. The acquisition also added roughly 100 engineers, based in South Korea, to Dialog's workforce.[24][25]
- 2019 - Dialog agreed to buy Germany’s Creative Chips as part of its push into low-energy connectivity used for devices in the internet of things (IoT). Dialog paid $80 million for the acquisition, with an additional consideration of $23 million based on revenues targets for the next two years.[26][27]
- 2020 - Dialog bought US-based Adesto, a provider of application-specific semiconductors and embedded systems for the Industrial IoT, for $500 million.[28]
« 「怪物の木こり」を読んだ。浜辺美波さんが絶賛していて気になったので。これは面白かった。連続殺人鬼と怪物の闘いというのはその通りですが、フェアな推理ものの要素もあり。 | トップページ | すき家でチーズ尽くしのガーリックトマト牛鍋定食を食す。美味しいけどバジルチーズソースのチーズが強すぎてつけるとトマト感がなくなるので、ちょっとだけにするか、スープと合わせるのがいいかも。 »
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« 「怪物の木こり」を読んだ。浜辺美波さんが絶賛していて気になったので。これは面白かった。連続殺人鬼と怪物の闘いというのはその通りですが、フェアな推理ものの要素もあり。 | トップページ | すき家でチーズ尽くしのガーリックトマト牛鍋定食を食す。美味しいけどバジルチーズソースのチーズが強すぎてつけるとトマト感がなくなるので、ちょっとだけにするか、スープと合わせるのがいいかも。 »